dezembro 22, 2006


Do you use shopping as a quick fix for the blues?
Do you spend more than you can afford?
Are some of your purchases unused or hidden?
Do you feel guilty or ashamed about this behavior?
Would your life be richer if you were shopping less?
Have your attempts to change been unsuccessful?
I Shop, Therefore I Am: Compulsive Buying & the Search for Self
Reduce temptations
Cut up plastic; close charge accounts; rip up credit card offers and home equity applications
Make lists before going to the store; buy what you need only – call folks, take a trusted friend
Wait so many hours before purchase
Do you need this or do you just want it?
Develop other ways to handle emotions
Develop fun things to do
Learn to ride through urges and preoccupations
Develop habits in stores

Why not give:

A shared experience
Your unique skills or expertise
Your time.
Good will.
A new tradition

April Lane Benson, Ph.D.

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