dezembro 22, 2006

Shopping Addiction

CBS News

Shopping Addiction: A Serious Problem
Michelle Miller: 13 Million U.S. Adults Are Compulsive Shoppers, But There's Help

“In a matter of a couple of hours, I had spent probably close to $5,000 or $6,000, easy,” says compulsive shopper Amy Gagner. “To me I guess it was like taking a drink, it just calmed me down, it soothed me and I felt ok.” Amy Gagner, shopping addict. “It took a long time for any of us to realize that it was a serious problem, it was an addiction, it was something that I no longer had control of,” said Gagner. She’s not talking about cocaine, or heroine or alcohol. She is talking about shopping. “To me I guess it was like taking a drink, it just calmed me down, it soothed me and I felt ok,” she said. Gagner says she used to enjoy shopping, but for the last six years, it's become a compulsion. “I went into a clothing store I’d never been to before, decided I was going to buy one piece, walked out with six. Cost me almost a thousand dollars,” she said. Her habit has jeopardized her financial future, and her relationship with her husband.

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